What Women Want In Bed in 2020
- 29/01/2020
Combined with the fact that a lot of women are also afraid of speaking up and asking for what they want, this leads to plenty of unfulfilling sexual encounters.
Libido Boosting Tips For Women
- 19/12/2019
If you’ve been looking to boost your libido but don’t know where to start, you’re in luck! We’re going to discuss a variety of options today, even some featuring products you probably have at home already.
Sex positions for 2020
- 19/12/2019
A healthy sex life is the spice of life. However, many of us tend to enjoy the same positions most of the time, which could leave us feeling somewhat vanilla.
Digital Sex: Technology to keep things spicy
- 16/12/2019
One of the more common of these has been a lack of sexual or physical intimacy, with this being driven by how far away partners can be. As technology has advanced, however, many of these hurdles have been overcome.
How to really turn on a woman
- 12/12/2019
The majority of people know that turning men and women on can take a variety of different things. Instead, it can be much easier than you might think. You shouldn’t have to go out and buy flowers or jewelry every time you’re trying to woo her.
Why do men cheat?
- 06/12/2019
Cheating is perhaps the most common way that this is done. While many people may believe that this is a relatively rare occurrence, it could happen much more often than some people may think.
What and Where is the Male G-Spot?
- 18/11/2019
Over the past few years, more and more people have become aware of the male G-spot. While some people claim that it doesn’t really exist (similar to the female G-spot), evidence suggests the opposite.
What Gets Women Hot? 5 Top Tips To Turn Her On
- 29/10/2019
It doesn’t take a lot of effort to get a man turned on. While all of us wish that it was just as easy to turn a woman on, this often isn’t the case. As a result, many of us try to look for a variety of tips and tricks to speed up the process.
Downsides of Being a Male Escort
- 18/03/2019
Have you thought about becoming a male escort? There are a few things you'll need to consider before you take the leap and start a career as a gigilo.
Top 5 Reasons Why Porn Can Be Educational
- 14/06/2018
No matter what reason you may have when accessing porn, one of the benefits of watching it is actually the educational aspect of it. You can actually learn new tricks to keep sex interesting, among other things. Read here for more.
Tips for Having Amazing Sex in the Shower
- 29/05/2018
Sex in the shower can be thrilling, but it can also be uncomfortable and a little dangerous. In this week's blog, we've put together a few tips to help you get it on in the shower, the comfortable way.
How to Improve Your Oral Sex Skills
- 21/05/2018
Oral sex is an art and if you do it right, your partner will probably love you forever. In this week's blog, we've put together some basic guidelines to follow when you're going down on her.
Threesomes: Sex With Two Girls
- 14/05/2018
Having sex with two girls has to be every straight guy's dream. If the opportunity arises, there are a few things you'll need to consider before you jump in. Read this week's blog to find out what you need to know to make the experience memorable, for all three of you.
#RIPBackpage, Hello My Playmate
- 07/05/2018
With the recent shutdown of Backpage, many Australian sex workers have lost their place of business. As a result, their income has suffered a loss too. If you are confused as to what to do or where to go to next, make My Playmate your new home.
RIP Backpage: Where To Now?
- 27/04/2018
Following the permanent shut down of Backpage, many sex workers are worried about their business. Unsure where to turn next, Australian online directory, My Playmate has a sweet offer. To find out more, read this week's blog!
7 Safe Ways to Increase Your Sex Drive and Have a Better Sex Life
- 23/04/2018
If you are feeling like your sex drive is low, there are several ways to increase your sex drive. We've put together a list that will help you regain your sex drive and boost your sex life in a safe way.
Sex Without Orgasm
- 16/04/2018
The orgasm is often considered the most important part of sex. This is something that a lot of people tend to think. But orgasm isn't always the thing you should aspire to have when having sex. There are many other things you should look forward to other than orgasming when having sex.
The Don’ts of Having Sex for The First Time
- 28/03/2018
When it comes to popping your cherry, there are so many things that could and would go wrong. Nerves, anxiety, excitement, anticipation - all can get in the way of something magical. Worrying too much is definitely a killer. So if you're about to have sex for the first time, here are a few things not to do.
Your Life Is Your Responsibility, Or How to Make Your Life Better
- 27/03/2018
Self-Improvement and a good life: what are these things and how to achieve them? Learn how to start living a better life and improve the quality of your life.
The Perks of Getting Transexual or Transgender Escorts
- 26/03/2018
There are many male and female escorts who offer their services for many different customers but it can’t be denied that transsexuals or transgenders are also joining the escort industry and they’re giving their competitors a run for their money. Here are the perks of hiring a transexual and/or transgender escorts.
How to Sext Like a Pro
- 19/03/2018
Sexting is cool and can pave the way to some of the most glorious sex sessions you’ve ever had. For that to happen, you must know how to do it properly. Sending a mediocre message can kill the mood instantly. All it takes for you to be the top sexter of the year is take heed of the following pieces of advice.
6 Unusual Sexual Fetishes
- 13/03/2018
There are people who would try to do anything just to reach the pinnacle of orgasm. Nothing is impossible with sex as they say. It may be a strange thing to consider when some people find an ordinary or even a strange things sexually arousing, but it does happen. Here are 6 usual fetishes you might not have heard of
Threesomes: Sex with Two Guys
- 05/03/2018
There is a lot to be said for threesomes but a lot of people don’t really seem to look past the surface and into the sticky details. A lot of people are interested in having them for a host of reasons. When it comes to sex with two other people though, you need to realize that the dynamics can be a little different!
Straight Male Escorts Go for Gay Male Clients
- 28/02/2018
Yes, straight male escorts will go for gay male clients. Gone are the days when they prefer female clients because nowadays, they could make more money with prospective gay clients if they open their services to include men. Here are just some reasons why male escorts who are straight service gay male clients.
Is Rimming Dirty
- 19/02/2018
Rimming (analingus) is one of the naughtiest and most pleasing sexual techniques . Like anything else to do with the derriere the number concern is hygiene. We answer is rimming dirty in our latest blog post. No matter whether you are gay or straight, the experience of rimming is something all can enjoy.
5 Vintage Sex Toys
- 12/02/2018
Knowing when and how our modern gadgets came to life can be a good extra conversation before having a remarkable and memorable night with your partner.
5 Australian Porn Stars Big in the Industry
- 05/02/2018
Here are 5 Australian porn stars (men and women) prominently acclaimed in the Australian adult film industry today. Who's your favourite?
Finding the Right Place for Afternoon Delight
- 29/01/2018
There is no rule that you should have sex during the night. However, this is often the best time for many people. However, you don’t have to restrict your sexual activity to the evening. There is also the whole idea of Afternoon Delight, which is an excellent way of releasing some tension during the day.
What Are Doms and Subs
- 22/01/2018
The two words are becoming popular in many circles thanks to the rising popularity of BDSM but is it as clear as it seems?
Seasonal Sex
- 15/01/2018
You may be surprised to learn that the seasons can have a significant effect on your sex life
Dealing with a Kinky Partner
- 08/01/2018
If your partner is into the kinkier stuff, there are a few things that you can do about it.
Love of Sex and Orientation
- 18/12/2017
Aside from that fact that orgasms and coitus can feel amazing, there are lots of other aspects which many people are into
Sex and Pain
- 11/12/2017
It depends on the type of pain. A lot of the time, those who are interested in or practice BDSM regularly will be experts of pain and how it can be incorporated into sex.
Pitfalls of Having a Friend with Benefits
- 13/11/2017
The term "friends with benefits" is being used more frequently these days but is it always a great thing? What are the pitfalls of having this relationship? Here we discuss the cons of having a friend with benefits.
Pros and Cons of Threesomes
- 06/11/2017
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a threesome? Read to find out
Are All Women Bisexual?
- 30/10/2017
Bisexuality is a sexual orientation that is surrounded by a lot of myths and misconceptions. However, is that both male and female bisexuality are viewed differently.
Finding a BDSM Playmate While Travelling
- 23/10/2017
Fnding a BDSM playmate can take some time. You need to know that the person in question is someone that you can trust. You are after all handing over your trust
The Gangbang Fetish – How Do They Happen?
- 05/10/2017
Gangbang sex isn't just something in the legends of porn. Everyday people can have it and we are here to tell you how!
Talking Openly About Your Fetish
- 03/10/2017
There are lots of different types of fetishes out there that you may or may not be familiar with and you might have one or two but you should talk openly about it with your partner no matter what.
Furries – Purely a Sexual Practice?
- 25/09/2017
Furries - a subculture not many people are fully aware of nor understand (yet). Furryism or furry fandom doesn't always involve sexual elements, even with the Internet's over-exaggerated point of views. Read more about it.
Dirty Underwear: Is It Really a Fetish?
- 18/09/2017
The dirty underwear fetish - Is it really a fetish though? Dirty panties and bras are something that turn some people on. Some more than others. To each their own, as we always say!
The Difference Between Escorts and Prostitutes
- 12/09/2017
Have you ever wondered what the difference is between escorts and prostitutes? They may not seem so different but there are differences. Read on to see our explanation of the difference as food for thought for you.
Threesomes: A Few Things to Consider
- 04/09/2017
Threesomes are something that most men and some women have been dreaming about. But there are a few things you should consider before you do the deed. Read on for more.
Threesomes in a Relationship
- 28/08/2017
Many men dream of having a threesome with two other women – perhaps their partner and their hot friend. Clear things up with your partner and your third before you jump in at all times.
The Gigolo: Real or Myth?
- 22/08/2017
Gigolos are often mistaken for myths than reality. But we assure you, they're real people with real jobs. They usually operate as free agents or as part of an escort agency. Read on for more.
Male Escorts for Women
- 15/08/2017
More women are using the services of male escorts nowadays. Male escorts who offer their services to women are usually more skilled in the art of seduction and affection. Read on for more.
Men, Women and Adult Dating
- 08/08/2017
In the modern day context of adult dating, men and women have evolved with the times and aren't your typical seekers of romance anymore but more in the realm of instant sexual gratification.
Is Being an Escort Worthwhile?
- 31/07/2017
There are a lot of possibilities so all you have to do is use a bit of ingenuity and imagination! We answer a few basic questions about being an escort.
Remembering Your First Escort Job
- 26/07/2017
First day on the job is always interesting - no matter what industry. Being an escort is no different. We spoke with a few escorts about their first day.
How Long is Too Long to Go Without Sex?
- 18/07/2017
Is there such a thing as going too long without sex? Are there side-effects from having a long dry spell? We definitely get cranky when we're not getting any but is there more?
Slut Shaming: Why is it Still a Thing?
- 06/07/2017
Healthy, consensual sex is a good thing. Everybody can agree on that. But why are people still shaming other people with the term "slut"?
Sex and Madness
- 16/06/2017
As sexual beings, sex and madness will always be part of who we are but what’s sexual sanity and sexual insanity. Here we explore these topics.
6 Essential Oils That Can Boost Your Sex Drive
- 25/05/2017
Did you know that essential oils are not only good for your skin and health, they can also boost your sex drive? Here are 6 essential oils for your pleasure.
Top 7 Sexual Fantasies of Women
- 19/05/2017
Without further adieu, our top fantasies, in no particular order.
Top 8 Australian Erotic Movies
- 02/05/2017
Erotic movies are different from pornography. There are sex scenes on the film but they aren't full-on explicit material you'd get from porn. Here are top 8 Australian erotic movies.
11 Crazy Pick Up Lines in Australia
- 28/04/2017
We've all heard them crazy pick up lines on TV and everywhere else, no matter where you're located in the world. Here are 11 crazy pick up lines in Australia.
5 Sexual Fetishes
- 05/04/2017
Curious about popular sexual fetishes? Discover the top five sexual fetishes that people are into. Are any of these sexual fetishes part of your fantasy sex life.
How a 24/7 Dom-Sub Relationship Works
- 27/03/2017
Ever wondered how a 24/7 dominant-submissive relationships work? Contrary to popular belief, a 24/7 D/S is not all about the sex or BDSM games. It’s a relationship that is built out of respect and trust of each other.
Dogging or Voyeurism - Your Choice
- 21/03/2017
Dogging means having sex in public while voyeurism is more like the gratification experienced from watching others people naked or engaged in sexual activity.
Tickle Torture - From Pain to Pleasure
- 13/03/2017
Tickle torture may sound like something from a Monty Python episode but it used to be a torture method which is nowadays a fetish activity in the bedroom. Let's explore this term, shall we?
Why Do Male Escorts Prefer Couples
- 08/03/2017
Why do male escorts prefer to service couples instead of single males? In my humble opinion, it’s about choices and options.
Does Polyamory Work in the Real World?
- 27/02/2017
Different to having an open relationship or polygamy, polyamory is similar but is where one's other partners have knowledge of each others' other partners. In some cases one's other partners are in polyamorous relationships with one another respectively.
The Joys and Risks of Edging
- 20/02/2017
If you’re a sexually active adult and you’ve experimented with bringing yourself to the edge of an orgasm only to stop and start again, then you’ve tried Edging.
Is Professional Dry Humping Real
- 13/02/2017
Dry humping has often been the precursor to going all the way – usually being followed by the question, “do you have protection?”
What Type of Girls are Cam Girls
- 06/02/2017
There is a pretty good chance that you’re reading this article and thinking to yourself that all cam girls are models, or have perfect bodies, and that not every female could be a cam girl. Right? Well, I hate to say it, but thinking that way is wrong
Successful Escorting: Marketing 101 – Advertising
- 30/01/2017
In our final instalment of Successful Escorting: Marketing 101, we give you advertising. By now, you should have figured out your brand, gotten your photos together, and your social media set up, but you’ve got one step left.
Successful Escorting: Marketing 101 – Social Media
- 24/01/2017
Welcome to the third instalment of our Successful Escorting series. If you’ve missed the others, read Branding Yourself and Photography now. You won’t regret it, we promise.
Successful Escorting: Marketing 101 – Photography
- 16/01/2017
If you’re following our Successful Escorting series, you’ll know that in our last post we gave you information on how to brand yourself. Now that you have chosen your brand or niche, it’s time for step two: showcasing yourself and brand.
Successful Escorting: Marketing 101 – Branding Yourself
- 09/01/2017
We are going to give you marketing tips and suggestions on how to market yourself through "Branding" so you can become a successful escort.
How to Become An Escort
- 04/01/2017
So you want to become an escort? Here is an informative post on how to become an escort.
What Escorts Do on the Holidays
- 19/12/2016
What Escorts Do on the Holidays. We at MyPlaymate are thrilled to be sitting down and talking to two veterans of Australia’s escort world about what they did during the holidays.
Consensual Non-Consent Sex
- 05/12/2016
What is Consensual Non-Consent Sex? When one gives consensual non-consent permission, they relinquish control on a short term or long term basis with an extreme trust and understanding of yourself and your partner. Your blanket consent of whatever sexual act(s) you and your trusted partner have planned or discussed can happen at any time or place.
Do You Know the Difference Between Brothels, Escorts, Massage Parlours?
- 11/11/2016
Why you should know the difference between brothels, escorts, and massage parlours and why it's important to your sexual gratification.
Cuckold... Definitely A Thing
- 08/11/2016
In its most primitive sense, the work Cuckold was derived from the cuckoo bird, alluding to its habit of laying eggs in the nests of other birds.
The Executive Woman, a Modern Male Escort Enthusiast
- 27/09/2016
Women are breaking the glass ceilings in the executive world and these executive women know exactly what they want in a male escort in the modern world of sexual liberation.
Sex On The Beach - Ways to Get it Right
- 31/08/2016
A beach quickie with a shell to mark the spot. The perfect tribute to the much loved summer season! Here’s a handy guide to have great sex on the beach.
Male Sex Workers - Overcoming The Gay Male Stereotype
- 23/08/2016
Presently, the gay community and the sex workers community in Australia are still at the mercy of stereotyping by the general population and this creates a false belief on male escorts in Australia.
The 2016 Ultimate Bedroom Bucket List
- 09/08/2016
2016 is the year of the bucket list and what better place to apply it to than the most important room in the house, the boudoir.
YOU CAN’T ASK THAT: ABC talks to Australian Sex Workers
- 04/08/2016
Sydney Sex Workers August 3rd in a frank and eye-opening exchange of important narrative and intensive discussion
Make Hay While The Sun Shines
- 26/07/2016
While the retail sector pushes families into buying sun products to protect their own, whispers are growing within the international medical community that it is not the sun that is doing the most damage but the sunscreens themselves? Some big claims. With so much at stake is it time to take a closer look at the facts?
“Chasing A Poke On a Friday Night!” - Pokemon Go Craze
- 15/07/2016
The word on the street is that 40% of all those who have downloaded Pokémon Go are 25 years of age or older.
Backpage Escorts: Rimming Analingus Escort Services
- 06/07/2016
More vanilla than backdoor escorts, backpage escorts allow rimming or analingus, but their escort services do not include anal sex. If a 69 is required, they may offer brownpaper for an extra fee. Sex writer AMELIA FERGUSON explores the terminology ...
Have You ever been Short Changed by a Sydney Escort?
- 23/06/2016
Short changed or in for the long haul? In the week of June 20th- 27th where Sydney has just experienced its annual Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year with 10 hours of sunlight versus 14 hours of night, it seems appropriate to shed more light on the evergreen topic of the three P’s- “Product, Promotion and Price” or more specifically ‘Private versus Parlour’.
Getting in Bed with the Authorities
- 10/06/2016
Policing the complicated and often vulnerable relationships that collectively exist between the sex worker, the brothel owner and the brothel user.
Aubrey Black Reigning Queen of Punter Planet
- 27/05/2016
Punter Planet, Home to Escort Connoisseurs, Saucy Sanctuary of Sexiest Girls Australia-wide and favorite meeting place of the loved-up Punter Population.
Age before Beauty 60 and feeling fine
- 24/05/2016
Think mature. Think sexy girls. Think over-60 Sydney escorts, Perth escorts or elegant Crown Casino roulette wheel companions in the prime of their adult lives. Shuffling the pack is a thrill you get a Queen you land an Ace.
Beautiful Companions in the Eye of the Beholder
- 18/04/2016
Beautiful companions are available for those who seek them as anyone can be beautiful in the eye of the beholder – tall or short, fat or skinny, dark skin or light, everyone can be beautiful to the right person.
Booking an Erotic Massage like a Gentleman
- 13/04/2016
Booking an escort or an erotic massage may sound like a straight forward thing to do but as every process in life, there's an etiquette to doing it like a gentleman so you're received welcomingly. Here are a few guidelines to help you make a booking without a hitch.
- 17/05/2015
Sexting has become more and more popular as technology advanced and more people are participating in the activity through their smart phones. But there are unspoken rule behind the game, so it's better to know the dos and donts before you get in on the action to be ahead of the game.
Sexual Fetishes: Do You Have One?
- 28/01/2015
Sexual fetishes: they are more common than you think; ranging from the usual to the utterly strange and peculiar. Here are 10 of the most popular sexual fetishes
Bisexual Escorts and Sex Workers
- 24/06/2014
Bisexual escorts offer adult services to men, women and couples. To the observer, bisexual people get the best of both worlds. And they do. Bisexual escorts have a bigger list of clientele. And they do a great service to bi-curious men and women who want to explore their sexual boundaries.
Escorts Perth
- 12/03/2014
A sneak peek of the most erotic and stunning Perth Escorts in Australia. The first class service and time full of intimacy and sensuality they provide will leave you wanting more. They breathe to satisfy every single fantasy and lustful yearning. Hang on tight as you are in for a treat!
The Tantric Sex Chair
- 10/03/2014
After its appearance at a number of Australian expos, including Sexpo, in the last four or five years, a lot of people have been intrigued by the Tantra Chair. Does it live up to its name? How does it work? If you are one of those people, you'll likely continue to be intrigued as we share a little more juice on a chair that tantric sex afficianados, passionate couples and even escorts and their clients, are keen to test-drive.
Escorts Melbourne
- 10/03/2014
Have a glimpse of the most sophisticated, elite and simply exquisite Melbourne Escorts in Australia. From the gentlest to the wildest, they are sure to provide a sensual service that will please and fulfil every desire. Get ready to be captivated!
Escorts Sydney
- 06/03/2014
Here's your chance to at a glance view details of a great many of the most alluring, sensual and beautiful escorts in Sydney. Whether blonde, brunette, Asian or Eurasian these escorts in Sydney are revered as the finest physical specimens of young, fit womanhood, with the minds and spirits to match.
Introducing An Unforgettable Experience
- 02/01/1970
Imagine a website that is here to help you.... Imagine a website that delivers the clients straight to you and guarantees the highest exposure to your profile...Well, it is finally here!