The threesome can be considered a dream for some. Many men dream of having a threesome with two other women – perhaps their partner and their hot friend. At least, this appears to be the typical porn scenario. A lot of women actually also like the idea of having a threesome with two guys: and not just being pleasured by these men, but also watching the men get one another off. So straight off the bat, you can see that a threesome can end up being a little more complex than you may have previously imagined!
Whatever about three single people getting together in order to have some fun, there are couples who are in a relationship who want to have a third. This can end up being a bit more complicated because there are a lot of feelings involved.
Threesomes and Relationships: Discussion Above All Else
If you and your partner decide to bring a third person into the relationship, what you need to do is make sure that both of you are on the same page. You need to sit down and talk about it: and talk about it openly without any fear! This can, of course, be a very difficult thing especially if it is probably the first time either of you has done this. Discuss things like jealousy and what that means for both of you. If there are any concerns that you may have, make sure to voice these now. Are there any particular sex acts that you may want to try out, or is there anything you’re totally against? All of this needs to be talked about.
Discussing with the Third Person
The third party is, of course, going to have to be a part of these discussions: but not until both you and your partner know that you are on the same page. With the third person, you can discuss the rules that you have both come up with. Ask the third party if there is anything they would like to add, or if there is anything that they may or may not be comfortable with. After all, they are going to be a part of whatever it is you’re doing and therefore have the right to know!
Have Fun!
Threesomes can be wonderful and thrilling experiences. There are many couples who have them successfully – both with different people and with regular third partners. The trick here is normalizing it and understanding where it is you both stand in that regard. It can be a difficult thing to discuss, but you can do it if you really want to. Like with anything in a relationship, it all comes down to communication and both of you wanting the same thing.
Simply make sure to discuss and be honest with one another because what can result is a very thrilling experience that can end up strengthening your relationship and your sex life!