Having sex with two girls has to be every straight guy’s dream. This is, at least, how it is often portrayed in the media and on television. So, when the opportunity presents itself in real life you may just jump at it! However, it is a good idea to take a step back and take a couple of things into consideration. A lot of the time, people have a tendency not to think things through and this is especially true when it comes to sex. As a side note, having sex with even just one person can be the source of a lot of tension so the two of you will need to make sure that you’re clear, to begin with.
Sex with Two Women: Don’t Forget Your Sensual Side
If we are to generalise here, we could say that a lot of women tend to prefer softer “sensual” sex. Of course, everyone is different so this isn’t always a hard and fast rule. If you are a guy, then you need to realise that you’re not going to be in this just to fuck and get it over with. The three of you should enjoy your time together and this means taking the time to add a bit of sensuality to your lovemaking.
Sensuality and sexuality are often intertwined and can make for a fantastic and thrilling erotic experience. Remember that your genitals are not the only erogenous zone either! There are a lot of different things you can try out: shoulders, neck, nipples and even anus (if you want to go that far).
Don’t Forget About Sex Toys!
It may not occur to you to use sex toys during actual sex, but you’ll be surprised to find that there are a lot of women who love integrating them into play. This is especially true when there is another woman to play with so try to be sex toy friendly! Not all sex toys are made for girls, either. There are plenty of stimulators that are specifically designed with men in mind. Cock rings, for example, are an excellent way of helping you last longer in bed. Sometimes, however, they can end up being a bit too effective.
In addition to using sex toys, it’s a good idea to discuss the different kinds of positions that you might like to try out. If there are any types that you want to try with two women specifically then now is your chance! All you need to do is let your desires be known.
Sex is one of the ultimate forms of intimacy. While sharing it one person can be thrilling, there are many more levels that you can rise up to when doing it with two people. For those who like women (whether you are male or female), it can be a wonderful and fascinating experience. Apart from sexual gratification, however, communication is also going to be one of the most important things to integrate into your experience.