Porn Can be Educational
X Videos, Redtube, going to Hooters, going to a strip club, etc. can be seen as perversions by some people. However, porn is not all that bad if you watch it moderately. While it won’t replace real sex or someone who can offer sexual education, like a counsellor, it can offer you some good ideas that you can apply.
We will give you five reasons why porn can be educational, and we will tell you how it can improve your sex life and your relationship with your partner.
You Watch Porn to Learn New Things
Let’s face it, when we are in bed, we know a couple of basic moves, and that’s it. After we finish the deed, some of us will grab a cigarette; others will rush to the fridge, watch TV or even fall sleep. It is a simple act that can become monotonous after a while.
But porn can inspire you to try something new. You can try new positions, new locations, new clothes and so on. Remember that sex should be fun. Let your imagination go wild.
You Will Spice Up the Foreplay
Foreplay is important, and no media out there can present it better than porn. There is a ton of material that covers foreplay, and many couples do not know about it, or they have no idea how to spice it up. Foreplay can be improved, and with that, you can add some flavour to your sex life.
- You Get to Talk about Your Desires
Instead of watching the next episode of Seinfeld, why not take your partner and watch porn together. Talk about what you like and what your partner likes. Is there something new you want to try? As long as you are communicating, great things can happen.
You Can Try Kinky Things
When surfing porn websites, you can find all sort of genres. Those genres can inspire you in many ways. For example, BDSM is a good example for couples that want to invest in whips, handcuffs and safe words. Certain types of porn can introduce couples to the exciting world of role-playing.
The truth is that porn is more than just two or more people having sex. It has more depth now than ever before, and you can take advantage of that. All you need is to be open-minded.
You Can Put Your Fetishes into Practice
Every person has a fetish or even multiple; it is not something new. But, very few people will tell you what their fetish is or that they even have one. You might think that you are a weird person because you think that what you like might seem strange. You might even be afraid to tell your partner about it.
In reality, if your fetish is found in many porn movies, you’ll find that you’re just an average Joe after all. In fact, you can even explain to your partner why you like that fetish, and you might have the chance to experience it with her/him.
As you can see, porn is not a “sin.” It’s just an endless source of new things you can try with your partner. Just keep an open mind and don’t be “afraid” to watch some porn now and then.