If you’re following our Successful Escorting series, you’ll know that in our last post we gave you information on how to brand yourself. Now that you have chosen your brand or niche, it’s time for step two: showcasing yourself and brand.
This is usually your initial impression with a potential client and like they say “it’s all about first impressions”.
Selfies may be popular on social media, but they’re not for selling yourself, unless your last name is Kardashian or Jenner. Keep the selfies to your Snapchat.
Don’t fret though.
We are not saying run out and spend hundreds or thousands on professional photography. If you know someone with a nice digital camera, ask them to be your photographer. And if you’re not comfortable with that, ask them if you can borrow the camera, tripod, and get them to show you how to use it.
Again, don’t worry if you don’t have a friend with a nice camera either. You can use your old trusty camera on your phone but for the love of all that is holy, have a trusted friend help you take a photo that isn’t a selfie.
Got a Camera? Check!
Now that you have a camera we are going to write a list of do’s and don’ts for you. Consider this insider trading of sorts.
Several of our favourite photos come from MyPlaymate.com.au member, Alana Black. They showcase and show off her best assets without being crass.
Break down of Alana’s photo:
With this photo, you see skin but she’s not giving the potential client a viewing of everything. The client sees just enough to pique their interest. Let’s face it, if you’re a fan of the booty, Alana is showing you how great hers is in a beautiful photo.
Break down of Alana’s photo:
The hidden face. If you aren’t letting everyone in your circle know your new career choice, you may choose to hide your face. There are many options to hide your face. Blur it out in Photoshop, body only photos, or as Alana does in this one, a slight turn away from the camera. What we love about this photo is that you aren’t distracted by the hidden face. One will immediately notice a beautiful woman in a seductive pose. Just like before, this photo is still selling the client Alana’s gorgeous curves while being a beautiful photo.
Breakdown of Alana’s photo:
Lighting. Before you roll your eyes about lighting in black and white photos, know that to make a great photo in black and white, the lighting in colour has to be spot on. Look at this photo and the others of Alana. The lighting is superb. It looks like natural lighting. She hasn’t run her photos through a Snapchat filter. Again, like before, the client can see her assets and her beauty.
-Lighting (yes, we mentioned this again, we can’t stress enough how important this is)
-Ladies, you don’t have to have the most expensive lingerie in the world to show off what you were born with or have. If you’re feeling sexy, you’ll channel that inner sex goddess and look as sexy as you feel. If you are not confident in selling yourself/brand, no one is going to be confident in buying your brand.
-Gentlemen, just like the ladies, you can’t just have a photo of you shirtless in your boxers or in your favourite track suit or hunting gear. This is not Tinder. Just like guys like to look at women in lingerie, most women will stop and do a double take of a well polished man. Check out Manny for example, he is selling this tuxedo. Women will imagine what is underneath.
-Let your personality shine through. The photos don’t have to be posed. Let the real you shine through. Laugh. Look alive.
-Keep your photos classy and sassy, not crassy. This should be self explanatory but you want to keep the mind wanting more. Think of the old adage, “why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free?” The same goes here, “why pay to see more or do more when one can see everything and just use their imagination for free.”
-As we have said, JUST SAY NO TO SELFIES, we say just say no to mirror photos (we see your hairbrush), overly filtered photos (you really don’t wear that crown of flowers all the time), and photos that have cropped another person out.
-Check your surroundings. You want someone to look at your photos and say to themselves, “Wow, I want to be with that person and experience this with them.” You don’t want them looking at a photo and saying to themselves “Why is there a wrench in the background?” “Where on earth did they take this photo?” “Is this the best photo they could use?” Don't be the girl
Now that you’re armed with photo knowledge, get to snapping and get some amazing photos of yourself. Next week, we’ll continue with Successful Escorting: Marketing 101 – Social Media.
Until then, best of luck in your business. Remember, you are a brand. Don’t let anyone treat you like a yellow Starburst!
Next week: Successful Escorting: Marketing 101 – Social Media
Previous week: Successful Escorting: Marketing 101 – Branding Yourself