Are you still with us? Awesome! Welcome to the third instalment of our Successful Escorting series. If you’ve missed the others, read Branding Yourself and Photography now. You won’t regret it, we promise.
By now, you’ve chosen what kind of “brand” you want to be and have a general idea on how you want to brand yourself. You should even have all your photos ready and you have to admit, they are damn hot!
Now what?
Set yourself up on social media.
We usually recommend Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. Of course you don’t have to use them all. Use the one or ones you know you’ll keep up with. We’ll break down the pros and the cons of each so you can make your choice or choices.
Before you say, wait, social media is too strict on what can or can’t be posted, we know from firsthand experience on how hard it can be. Though everyone is having sex not everyone is comfortable with it. Yeah, we think it’s bull shit too.
- Being in the adult industry, Twitter is a social media platform we absolutely love. They do have a community standards policy like all of the platforms but they seem to be a little more forgiving in what can or can’t be shown. For an example, if you follow @YouPorn’s account or even Aussie based internet porn site @AussieAssXXX, you will see the virtual freedom you can have with photos. Before you go rushing out to do a shot of your lovely snatch, we do have to warn you that only Twitter users who approve seeing “sensitive material” will automatically see it. Other users will be given a warning and have to approve viewing it.
- You can post videos, photos, gifs of yourself, etc.
- You can make your account private and allow only selected Twitter-ers to follow you and see what you’re posting.
- If your followers retweet you, it’s easy viral marketing. One retweet could lead to new clients and those clients could lead to more. Interacting with your followers is easy and we find Twitter offers a more positive experience overall.
- Remember your branding! Before you throw up a naughty photo of yourself, we suggest going into Twitter Ads and activating it. You don’t have to buy an ad, but by putting in payment info, you now have access to scheduling Tweets. This is perfect for those that like to plan in advance. Maybe you did a photo series of yourself dressed as your favourite superhero and want to use it around the movie that’s coming out. Instead of waiting, you can sit down over morning coffee, create posts and schedule them. Anything that frees up your time is going to be a wonderful thing.
- If you’re private, only those you approve will see you. Honestly, the only down side we see to Twitter is if you’re going to buy advertising they’ll more than likely deny you. Twitter may be lenient in what they allow on a users feed, but they are not lenient on what you can advertise. Anything adult or sexual products and services is a hard no.
- FB is the Mecca of most social media and probably the most used platform by all. Everyone you know more than likely has an FB account...your grandmother and maybe even your neighbour’s pet cat Shnook’ems. If you create a page, you can set the age limit, audience, and geographic area.
We will be honest; we are a little biased when it comes to FB as we’ve had issues with them. We’re frankly, not a fan of this platform. For this, we’ll list the issues you’ll more than likely have:
- FB is not lenient in what they will and won’t allow a user to post. If you post something they deem “not to community standards” they will remove it and possibly ban you for a certain amount of time or remove your account all together.
- Nipple, genitalia and anything of sexual nature are hard no’s and will be removed. Trust us here, it’s just good to keep yourself wrapped in some sexy lingerie.
- If your client X happens to like your post, everyone in his FB community sees it unless he’s got his account so locked down he’s only following you. And let’s be honest here, when was the last time any of us looked at our security or privacy settings without FB’s warning.
- FB will never come out and say this, but from our experience in promoting our clients on their platform we have noticed the treatment of hetero female/male escorts and transsexual escorts is different. What they let “slide” for hetero female/male escorts doesn’t happen for transsexual escorts. This really angers us.
- If you like to post with little or no interaction, this is your platform. On this platform, use those sexy-non-nipple-genitalia-showing photos and photos of you enjoying life.
- Instagram is owned by Facebook so their standards are the same strict standards and for the love of all that is holy, don’t show a nipple. That will get pulled down quicker than you can blink.
- The cons we had with Facebook are pretty much the same here.
- Short 10 second videos or photos that “disappear” in 24 hours. Using Snapchat is easy as pointing and shooting.
- With this app you can tease and tantalize clients and potential clients. Think of it as giving them a sneak peak to what they are getting or could be getting.
- Not everyone uses it or even knows what the hell it is.
- Videos and photos “disappear” after 24 hours so make sure you save the ones you like.
Those are the main four platforms of social media we think escorts should be using. Twitter is a unanimous winner so get on it and get on it today, and have some fun on Snapchat.
Remember though, if it’s something you don’t want out there, for the love of God, do not post it online. That shit doesn’t go away!
Next week: Successful Escorting: Marketing 101 – Advertising
Previous week: Successful Escorting: Marketing 101 – Photography