More Sex for Better Health in 2016

More Sex for Better Health in 2016

As 2015 comes to a close, everyone’s talking about their New Year’s Resolutions. They’ll exercise more, they’ll spend less, they’ll save money for a house, they’ll go out more, they’ll improve themselves somehow, they’ll learn from mistakes and have a better new year. We all know, New Year’s Resolutions are just empty promises we try to make with ourselves that we barely ever see through for the whole year. But let us motivate you on one resolution you should all hold dear – lots of sex in 2016. Here’s why.

More Sex for 2016

We all love sex. Who doesn’t? We love all the foreplay, the lead up to the actual moment of penetration to the mind blowing orgasm at the end or the multiple orgasms that women are blessed with. Besides being one of the best feelings in the world, having sex has so many other benefits to the human brain and body.

Having lots of sex boosts our immune system. It helps fight off coughs, colds and other ailments. Actually according to a recent study, we’re supposed to have 200 orgasms a year because they elevate your mental and physical characteristics. Don’t mind if I do!

Sexually active people are believed to take less sick days from work as well. In fact, having sex at least once or twice a week can help improve your immune system, you wouldn’t even need your annual flu vaccination. It also works great as a painkiller; scientists say that orgasms can halve the body’s sensitivity to pains such as migraines, back pains and even arthritis.

Experts also say that having sex before bed will have great impacts on your mood the next day. You’ll feel more refreshed, less stressed and more motivated to tackle the day. One of the main reasons why this occurs is because of the pleasurable sensations of touching, kissing and cuddling in bed relieving your stress levels. Sex can even help people going through depression!

Having more sex just makes you want more sex as well. It never gets old, we never get sick of it, and we never complain about a roll in the hay. Having it more often will make it better and boost your libido. Not only that, it keeps the vaginal lubrication blood flowing, keeps the elasticity in check and keeps your skin healthy too. People who have regular sex actually age slower because the pleasure releases different hormones which leave you with a “sex glow” as the aftermath of a sexual encounter.

Regular sex also keeps the heart pumping and lowers the risk of heart diseases and strokes. It keeps you fit without having to join a gym; a quickie can actually burn 20 calories. There are many other benefits to having regular sex including better sleep, better bone density, eliminates other cravings and helps keep the pelvic floor healthy.

We can go on and on about how great sex is for you but we’ll just stop right here. Have we convinced you to resolve for more sex in 2016?

Have more sex! It’s great for you.


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