You’d think booking an erotic massage at a parlour or with a private escort sounds easy but most men go about it in the wrong way. There’s an etiquette to it; similar to booking an independent escort for a full service session. A lot of guys when they make any bookings with a sex worker or a sexual service provider, they’re either drunk and horny or just plain horny with all their blood rushed to the other head that’s not above their shoulders.
Most of the time when people make bookings, they go in blind without actually knowing what they want and without any notice; because they’re horny now and looking for release right away. There are rules to booking a session with an erotic massage provider as well as a full service escort. So here are a few rules you should stick to before and while you make bookings.
Etiquettes of Booking Erotic Massages and Escorts
Read the Ad First
First rule of booking a session with anyone or at any place is to read the advertisement. If they have links to their private websites, make sure you click through to them as well. Read what they described in their services, rates, etc. Don’t just look at the photos and read the content! If there are reviews, they’ll help you decide on whether or not to book her. But only after you read the information they’ve laid out, you won’t be able to make an informed decision. Additionally, if you’ve read the advertisement, you can even charm the erotic massage service provider by using their own words when making your booking.
Research properly
A lot of the times, escorts and erotic masseuses will use antonyms in their list of services. Is the ad listed under “Full service”, “Erotic massage” or “GFE”? Does it mention Bodyslides, Tantra massage, Prostate massage or FBSM – Full Body Sensual Massage? Make sure you find out all you need to know before you make any decisions and book a session.
Don’t ask too many questions
When you make the phone call to make a booking, just book the session. Ask when they’re available and make the booking. Don’t ask other personal questions. Don’t ask demanding questions. Don’t be rude either. Be kind and professional because the person on the other end of the phone call is also a professional. Their services will be written on their ad so read the ad first and when you make the phone call, just tell them what services you want from that list and just make the booking. And when you enter the session, give her a big smile and surrender yourself into her professional hands. She knows what she’s doing.
Book in advance
Always book in advance. This cannot be stressed enough. Sure the urge to see an escort or an erotic massage provider comes on late at night after drinking too many tequila shots and feeling horny AF. But don’t expect to find a sex worker waiting for your call at 2am in the morning, freshly showered, all dressed up, massage tables, oils and candles all set up and ready to go. Give at least a few hours notice or better yet, book a day in advance. If she doesn’t pick up the phone, leave a voice message. Sometimes they aren’t able to pick up the phone for many different reasons. So leave a voice message or send a text first and then you can continue your booking after that. Just make sure you book in advance because that’s just good practice.
As professional sex workers, they will screen you before they agree to see you. It could be as natural as your phone conversation during making a booking or it could be more investigative as double checking your identity through social media accounts. Keep in mind, they’re profiles are online or in print for the world to see; you’ve seen them, you’ve more than likely done enough research on them before you make the call. So their screening you is a safety measure for them to find out who they’re dealing with. Sometimes, they tend to ask around their industry if you’ve had any negative reviews from other escorts. If you’re making a second booking with the same escort, you won’t have to go over this a second time.
Don’t bargain
Pricing of services will be listed on their profiles 90% of the time. If they’re unclear, you can ask during booking but don’t bargain your way to discounts and favours unless they specifically state that they’re open to them in their ads. And don’t expect the sex worker to carry around an EFTPOS machine to your booking; always bring the right amount of cash to your booking. Don’t talk down the price once you arrive at the session. You can just leave the payment on the dressing table. And remember, if you tip big, she’ll tell her associates about you and you’ll be welcomed with more open arms. They remember the big tippers and blacklist bargainers and other time consuming cheap skates.
Be a gentleman
Be a gentleman, period. Don’t be an arsehole. Be kind and polite. Be sweet. Be considerate. Be confident and relaxed. For all intents and purposes, don’t be a dick head but be chivalrous! They’ll remember you for it and even brag about you.
Don’t hold high expectations
Never come to the session with high expectations because it’s always better to be pleasantly surprised than to make assumptions and get disappointed. Every escort and masseuse will be different from each other, with different signature moves and different techniques. They may advertise the same services but they will have their own moves and ways of going about them. Even with the images, some of them may look exactly the same as you’d expect while some will look either better or less attractive than their profile pictures. So don’t expect too much and you’ll have a better experience for it.
So be a gentleman when you make a booking for an erotic massage or an escort. Follow these simple guidelines and you’ll leave a big smile on her face, fantasising about you before your session. Treat them right as you would treat everyone else and you’ll have a permanent place in their hearts and minds.